The work has been commissioned by the “Koninklijk Zeister Harmonie Gezelschap” (Royal Wind Orchestra Zeist). The subject is Nature and inhabitants of the area now known as The Netherlands in the time of the “Hunebed builders” (Late Stone Age, approx. 5000 years ago).
There are 4 movements; there are no pauses between the movements.
I: Adagio; II: Allegro vivo; III: Agitato; IV: Andante maestoso
Instrumentation: picc, 3fl, 2ob, 3 groups cl, bcl, bs, 4hr, 3trp, 2crnt, bugle, 3trb, 2euph, 2btb, 5timp (1 pl), perc (3 pl), hrp
Duration: ca 6 min
The premiere is due for the spring of 2021.
– Download scenario: Prelude, Chorale
Townhall Hilversum, location of the carillon

Organ Union Chapel, London; origin of the samples used for the sound track
Carillon Townhall Hilversum

Carillon Townhall Hilversum 33: Thuiskomst ("Coming home").
Passengers in Underground

Peaceful mountain landscape

Lightning hits tree

Meditation place

At the summit

Hostile crowd

Welcome in town

Recording session of "Give us Peace" ( 09) in the St.Moritz church in Olomouc (Czechia); composer with organist Karel Martinek (1)

Composer with organist Karel Martinek (2)

Choir with conductor Marek Vorlicek

Operations room during the recording session (1)

Operations room during the recording session (2)
View on the organ from the choir gallery

View on the organ from the ground floor

Cover CD with records of (i.a.) the Flute Sonata ( 03) and "Dialogues" ( 15)
Composer with flutist Petr Hladik during the recording session in Olomouc (2016) for "Lines to Infinity"

Cover CD with record of (i.a.) Trio for flute, clarinet and piano ( 22)

St.-Pietersbanden Church in Lommel (Belgium). The suite of 6 pieces "Cascades" ( 32) has been written for the carillon of this church

Inside the tower in Lommel (1)

Inside the tower in Lommel (2)

Front page of "In Memoriam" for flute, clarinet and piano ( 31) published by Matching Arts (2015)

Flyer concert Revoce 13-06-2016, featuring "Arctic Saga" ( 29); pictures by the Swedish artist John Bauer (1882-1918) taken from Internet

"Arctic Saga": Landscape, homeland of the Trolls

Mammoth awakening from hibernation

Trolls around their campfire

Trolls on the way home

Consultation in Ostrava with conductor Anthony Armore prior to the recording sessions of the sound track of "Arctic Saga", 29

Dom Kultury of Ostrava, location of the recordings of the sound track of "Arctic Saga"

Sound engineer Jaroslav Zouhar before the recordings of the sound track of "Arctic Saga"
Besední dům in Brno, location of the recording sessions of the Symfonietta, 28

The Dreamking, see DVD "The Palace of the Dreamking", 27; illustrations by Rik van Linden van den Heuvell

"The Palace of the Dreamking": Nightmares with dream clients on their back

"The Palace of the Dreamking": assistents of the Dreamking wait at the Palace's court yard for dream clients

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the old couple Siegbert and Santje in their former living room

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the Piano Tuner and the dancing devils

"The Palace of the Dreamking": Aunt Anette sneezes the ballet away

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the General is trampled over by his own soldiers

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the swooned General is dragged avway

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the Palace evaporates

"The Palace of the Dreamking": the devils rejoice about the dreams they will perform puring next night

Frontcover of the album "PINNACLE" featuring the Trio for clarinet, cello and piano (

Futura Studio in Boston, MA (USA), where the Trio has been recorded
Mary van Veen-Viëtor in the garden of Het Bergelt (Vierhouten, Netherlands)

Poster for the première of the Choral Songs on Dutch Children's poetry (cat. nr. 19) on 14-04-2012 in the St. Aegtenkapel in Amersfoort

Dress rehearsal for the première of the Choral Songs on Dutch Children's poetry

Percussionist Arend Bruijn at the dress rehearsal for the première of the Choral Songs on Dutch Children's poetry

The Aria à la mémoire de M. Francis Poulenc (cat. nr. 18) is dedicated to Boni Rietveld (left) and Jaap Stork (right), here photographed before the Flentrop organ (1962) in the Adventskerk in Aerdenhout

Wind Ensemble RAAK plays conducted by Txemi Extebarria the Partita for double wind quintet and double bass (cat. nr. 17), St. Janskerk, Maastricht, 6 November 2011, on the occasion of the CoMA Festival in Maastricht (photo: Maud Douwes)

Trio Danquette (Daniela Zlatkin, cello; Anke van Straalen, flute; Annet Kloppert, piano), who commissioned the piece "Dialogues ( 15)

The composer as narrator in the first public performance of "Unconditionally / Onvoorwaardelijk" (cat. nr. 14), Museum De Buitenplaats, Eelde, 18 September 2011; pianist: Renate Hasselaar

Poster for a performance on 15 January 2012 of "Onvoorwaardelijk / Uncondontionally" (cat. nr. 14) in De Vrijburg in Amsterdam (poster lay-out: Walter Winkler-Ederveen)

Carilloneur Bauke Reitsma played the premiere of "Voices" (cat. nr. 13) on the carillon of the Pauluskerk in Baarn, 15 May 2011

Carillon of the Pauluskerk in Baarn

Tower of the Pauluskerk in Baarn

Rehearsal of the Five Songs for mixed choir and orchestra on East-European folk poetry (cat. nr. 10), Bulgaria Hall, Sofia, 4 October 2010

Rehearsal of the Five Songs for mixed choir and orchestra on East-European folk poetry

Rehearsal of the Five Songs for mixed choir and orchestra on East-European folk poetry

Rehearsal of the Five Songs for mixed choir and orchestra on East-European folk poetry; conversation with 1st violoncellist Christo Lalev

Choir conductor Yvonne Peters....

.... and organist Margriet den Hartog commissioned the work "Give us Peace" (cat. nr. 09) on the occasion of the centenary (2009) of....

.... the Maarschalkerweerd-organ in the Remonstrantse Kerk in Dordrecht (photograph: Bart van Buitenen)

Poster of the premiere of the Choral Songs on Dutch Children's poetry (cat. nr. 07) op 21-11-2009 in "Het Dikke Torentje" in Eemnes

Cover of the novel "Truus de Nachtmerrie" by Henriëtte van Eyk, used as a basis for the Symphonic Poem "The Palace of the Dreamking" (cat. nr. 06)

Premiere of the Choral Songs on Eastern-European Folkpoetry (cat. nr. 05) by the Amersfoorts KamerKoor, conducted by Jos Leussink, on 14-03-2007 in the St. Xaveriuskerk in Amersfoort. Pianists: Frank Herman and Peter Greve (photo: Bas B. Broekhuis)

"Kemence", a small fiddle in use in i.a. Turkish folk music. The sound of the kemence is imitated in the Finale ("Alsak") of the Sonate for flute and piano ( 03)

The Veenendaals Brass Ensemble gave the first performance in the Netherlans of the Partita for 11 brass instruments ( 02)

Dress rehearsal for the premiere of the Pianoconcerto (cat. nr. 01) on 28-03-2004 in the Cultural Centre Orion in Rotterdam on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the chamber orchestra Camerata '54. Solist: Peter Greve, conductor: Albert van Eeghen.